Pond Fish Health
Bacterial Infection
Symptom: Ulcers or Sores on body, fins/tail rotting
The fish in your pond are suffering from a bacterial disease and the pond water needs treating urgently. Pond fish will have Ulcers on them and/or the fins, tail and mouth may have rotted away in extreme cases.
If your Fish looks like the illustration, we recommend you use one of the products listed in your pond water to restore your fish to good health

Fungus and Parasites
Symptom: Fluffy white growths on skin surface (Fungus). Flicking, droopy red veiny fins and gasping (Parasites)
Your pond fish are suffering from Fungus and Parasites you need to treat your pond water urgently. Pond fish will appear to have fluffy white cotton wool-like growths on their body or wherever the skin has been damaged. This can sometimes have a green tinge when algae are also present.
Not to be confused with:
Columnaris disease (cotton mouth) often seen as mouth rot and also around the edges of scales and fins causing the tissue to rot away.
If your Pond fish look like the illustration, we recommend you use one of the products listed to restore your fish to good health.